Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Day 3 of corona measures

Kids got their schedule for the rest of the week (Wednesday to Friday). We are still trying to find out a way to keep things moving. I won't deny that these are challenging times but we try to make the best out of it. We try to solve problems while keeping the show running. 

There is visible stress in the society. We see that in the app groups of the school but also at our work (virtual meetings for example). This will supposedly last two more weeks. Who knows if the measures will be extended for more time. What do you think?


  1. Likely to be extended, contagion is a longer term game I'm afraid, but can society and the economy sustain isolation and lock down for long?

    1. I agree very likely to be extended. I guess we will see how long can we hold a lock down. Uncertain times.


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